gulliver projekte

Kita developments

About us

gulliver is a real estate developer focusing on social projects. Our little team bundles creative drive, real estate expertise and solidarity thinking.

In partnership with our strong affiliated company Hanna gGmbH Kita Trägerschaften we create daycare centers (Kindertagesstätten). Since founding gulliver in 2010 there is a track record of 4 new facilities providing space for additional 390 children. Our future aim is to develop shools alongside our core product.

In Berlin Weißensee gulliver is finishing a modern apartment building. On that basis we will target affordable residential projects in the low to mid-range sector.

Exciting and complex locations are motivating us daily. Thus we are driven by the belief that providing social infrastructure in the sectors of education and culture as well as housing can be managed in close cooperation between the public sector and the private economie!

A growing team of financing partners is backing our projects. Professional external planning and construction teams make sure our buildings get realised solid and safe.

Motivation, performance and courage set the base of gullivers work.

gulliver Team: Hartmut Horst, Jan Eickhoff, Manuel Schottmüller

Our Team

Manuel Schottmüller
General Manager

Hartmut Horst
General Manager

Jan Eickhoff
Planing, Project Management
Dipl.-Ing. Architekt / MSc REM

Saskia Send, Project Assistence
Vilma Glomba, Accounting


t 030 / 32 53 33 64
f 030 / 32 53 33 66


Find our current and finished projects here.

Kita Heinersdorf

Kita Heinersdorf

find out more

Kita Paule

Kita Paule

Das Krokodil aus dem Fennpfuhl

find out more

Kita am See

Kita am See

140 Kita-Plätze auf Seegrundstück

find out more

Kita Villa Lobo

Kita Villa Lobo

Erwerb und Umbau einer Fabrikantenvilla zur Kita

find out more



Ein Mehrfamilienhaus am Weissen See

find out more

Architektenhaus Idunastraße

Architektenhaus Idunastraße

find out more


gulliver projekte
Knaackstraße 53/ II
10435 Berlin
Tel 030 / 32 53 33 64
Fax 030 / 32 53 33 66

gulliver GmbH
Manuel Schottmüller, Hartmut Horst
Authorized architect (member of the Berliner Architektenkammer):
Jan Eickhoff

Established 22. Juli 2010
Liscence according to § 34 c GewO (Gewerbe Ordnung)
Gewerbeamt Berlin Pankow
Trade register Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (HRB 128531 B)
Tax number 37/410/21557,
Tax office Körperschaften II Berlin

Disclaimer: Despite careful control we do not take any liability for the content of external links. Responsible for the content of linked pages are solely their operators.

© gulliver projekte 2014. All published content, Layouts and graphics on this website are protected by Copyright. The rights holder reserves alls rights to the reproduction, distribution, modification and extension of the published contents, layouts and graphics.

Design exposés: gulliver GmbH
Design website: ole kaleschke | gestaltung, Berlin
Development Website: Ingo Tegeder, Berlin
Teamfoto: Thomas Ringer